The Warcraft Community is Bad and We Should Feel Bad
In 2004, Blizzard launched a little game called World of Warcraft. Now it’s 2013, and while it’s technically the same game we’re playing, you almost wouldn’t be able to recognize it. The name of the...
View ArticleWorld of Warcraft Patch 5.3 Propaganda Posters
Patch 5.3 hits in World of Warcraft later today, wherein Vol’jin has declared open rebellion against Garrosh Hellscream after surviving an assassination attempt by one of Hellscream’s Kor’kron. We’d...
View ArticleLeague of Legends Fiddlesticks Cosplay from PAX East 2013
Finally a Fiddlesticks cosplay that doesn’t look like some aberrant sock puppet. CAWCAWCAWCAW! A cosplay this good has to be seen in action to be fully appreciated: For those of you not familiar with...
View ArticleWho Will Kill Garrosh Hellscream?
Ladies and gentlemen of Azeroth, start your siege engines and place your bets: Garrosh Hellscream must die. No, we’re not filthy brutes indulging our lust for violence and bloodshed. It’s just what has...
View ArticleMMORPGs Are Secretly Teaching You These 4 Real Life Skills
Some people might say that your MMORPG addiction does nothing but waste your time. Well, it turns out that those people don’t know as much as they think they know. That’s because MMORPGs are secretly...
View ArticleHow I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Warchief
On the lore junkie scale of 1-10, I’m about a -3. No, seriously, I’m about to butcher me some lore here. Sadly, when I play an MMO, I just want to pick up quests and “kill seven of those” or “collect...
View ArticleThe World of Warcraft Tanking Creed
Stand with me if you wish to live. Behind my shield whose face is an enormous skull mantled in flame. A shield that has fended the ire of giants, demon hunters, deranged sons of kings and malign...
View ArticleWhat To Expect at BlizzCon 2013: World of Warcraft Edition
Nearly every year Blizzard fanatics are presented with a two day “festival” to celebrate three franchises that have impacted the gaming world like few others before them. These three games? Diablo,...
View ArticleWhat is World of Corecraft?
I played World of Warcraft for eight years. I end-game raided from The Burning Crusade expansion all the way to Mists of Pandaria before I finally decided to retire from the game that I had grown to...
View ArticleThe Intermediate World of Warcraft Pet Battler’s Guide: The Fastest Circuit...
To the ignorant, what you did was no better than pry cheetah cubs from their mother’s speckled teats, pilfer fledgling birdies from their nests and straight up wrestle babies away from their brothers...
View ArticleThat’s Why We Don’t Do That: Support Star Heimerdinger
Hello again, darlings. This week I’m taking a queue from everyone’s favorite anti-meta celebrity, Siv HD and I’ll be trying out Support Star Heimerdinger. For those of you unfamiliar with Mr. HD’s...
View ArticleThe Best Armor Tiers In World of Warcraft
Kill dragons. Collect epic gear. Flaunt that shit. It’s a big reason why we play World of Warcraft, the most popular MMORPG of all time. In celebration of today’s Mists of Pandaria launch, we take a...
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